Flexibility And Diversity Are The Future Of The Labor Market

Flexibility And Diversity

Flexibility and diversity are the future of the labor market : We accompany our clients in the construction of diverse and flexible environments where all kinds of people can develop. Companies that manage diversity and are committed to flexible work will achieve a great competitive advantage over the rest, and will be the only ones capable of innovating and adapting to the new market reality”. Flexibility and diversity are the future, let’s discuss in detail.

Why Does The Need Arise For This Project?

The last years of my professional career (as an employee) were dedicated to a Human Resources project. I investigated what was being done in terms of diversity, and I didn’t see anything similar to what is today. I saw a clear business opportunity and a need that I could cover with my work.

What Is Your Ultimate Goal With The Project?

We want to support our organizations in creating strategies to manage current, diverse talent so that they achieve a clear competitive advantage.

Do You Know The Role Of Women In The Business World?

The same as that of man, simply providing another point of view, just as necessary, and just as valid.

And In The Entrepreneurial Sector Specifically?

Well, unfortunately, there are still very few women entrepreneurs, which is a shame, because you work a lot, but with a lot of flexibility and being the owner of your time, which for me is a luxury.

What Can They Contribute To Companies?

Diverse teams, people who bring different points of view, not only bring fresh ideas but also make teams perform better since everyone feels much freer to express their thoughts and ideas.

What Drawbacks Have You Encountered So Far Regarding Men?

For me, as I have already said, the important thing is to work on the structure so that the spark of innovation and creativity is generated. It is not about imposing schedules for women to reconcile, this is not just about women. We all want flexibility, and organizations have to create environments for people to develop, who have different needs, not because of gender. 

How Do You Want To Change That Situation?

Making companies see the importance of managing the talent of the future, diverse talent. And that they discover the advantages of flexibility, such as a new way of contracting, more beneficial for everyone.

What Other Activities Do You Do?

We have carried out several workshops throughout these months, at Caixa Forum, at the American Space, or at Google Campus. Anything that can help us reach people interested in the project, and give visibility to reality interests us, and most importantly, not only among women. The current reality negatively affects men as well.

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