Improving Diversity Management, A Challenge In Companies

Diversity Management : We live in a hyper-globalized society. This has opened the door to new markets, but also to new job profiles. Luckily, more and more companies are incorporating employees from other ethnic groups, cultures, religions, etc. This brings us to talk about diversity management.

It is a natural process. The greater diversity in today’s companies is due to multiple factors that reflect society. The incorporation of women into the labor market, the arrival of second or third-generation immigrants, an increasingly aware society. Without forgetting the aging of the active population.

It is precisely the management of diversity that forces companies to manage a very diverse workforce. It has its advantages, such as different perspectives, greater commitment, and the development of alternative strategies. But diversity will have to be managed if we want the job satisfaction of employees in companies to improve.

What Is Diversity Management For?

Traditionally, diversity management affected gender, race, religion, or disability. These are the three axes that have structured the management of diversity and equality policies. But in recent times new groups have appeared: orientation, sex, age, appearance, or lifestyle.

Diversity must be understood as respect for the differences and particularities of each person. When the company is able to transmit these values, it represents an important value for the company. A powerful corporate culture is developed, making the company diverse.

Good diversity management allows people to work without their attitudes or behavior harming anyone. We cannot reduce diversity management to regular training courses for employees. It must be something that is part of the idiosyncrasy of the company.

Types Of Diversity In The Company

In line with what we saw before, we can differentiate up to four basic types of diversity. Knowing and respecting them is essential. If you look at your template, you will surely be able to identify which group your employees belong to:

Gender diversity:

It is the most regulated. Both nationally and internationally. However, equality between men and women is still a long way off, especially in management positions. The glass ceiling continues to exist, although little by little it is getting higher and higher.

Cultural diversity and origin:

The result of globalization and immigration. Companies face the important challenge of managing diversity and promoting it. Through positive, tolerant, and inclusive spaces, talent must be retained and promoted.

Generational diversity:

Mix senior workers with juniors, and recent graduates with more experienced ones. It allows reinforcing diversity by forming teams, enriching and helping each other.

Diversity of talent:

Talent is what makes the difference between employees and companies. But not everyone has the same talent. Each company should be able to value different talents and promote and retain them.

At this point, we should talk about the differences between diversity and inclusion. They are two concepts that often go hand in hand, and despite being complementary, they present differences. We should not confuse them, because each one defines a different reality.

For its part, inclusion is the company’s practice so that each employee is treated equally. This concept refers to the work of the organization so that all employees are accepted. Diversity management efforts.

Both concepts share a goal: that all employees feel valued and respected as people. Let them feel free to be themselves. Logically, diversity and inclusion go hand in hand. The success of the company will depend on its development.

How To Improve Diversity Management?

Diversity management involves promoting inclusion. To what extent do you think your organization is inclusive? Do you do everything necessary? There is always room for improvement. For this reason, we propose these measures to promote inclusion and diversity in the company.

Zero tolerance for discrimination

If you really want to do good management of diversity, the company is not a place for any type of discrimination on the part of anyone. You have to be careful especially with small gestures. Micromachismos, microorganisms, micro homophobia. Whether in a group or individually, there is no place for them in the company.

The organization should have a protocol to avoid discrimination. It is also important to involve the leaders. Those responsible must be an example of diversity, tolerance, and inclusion. Training workers’ inequality will help us prevent unpleasant situations.

Inclusive hiring

Diversity management begins in the personnel selection process. Recruitment is essential to ensure diversity. Each company must have a series of mechanisms so that everyone has the same opportunities. Avoid rejecting candidates due to their conditions.

Diversity in the workforce

Inclusive hiring will help us build a diverse workforce. You have to find a balance and prevent anyone from feeling discriminated against. It goes without saying that two workers in the same position will be paid the same, regardless of their race, gender, disability…


Make sure company spaces are accessible. Accessibility is key not only in managing diversity but also with clients. Having adapted and accessible spaces are the first step in incorporating these people into the workforce.

Continuous review of objectives, plans, and actions

It is good to have diversity objectives, equality plans, or develop actions focused on it. But we can’t anchor. Diversity evolves, and we should. That is why it is essential to evaluate diversity management and introduce the appropriate adjustments when appropriate.

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