What Is Mobile Marketing And Its Origin

Mobile marketing is called the marketing strategies that take place between consumers and companies through devices such as mobile phones, tablets or other elements of a digital nature.

Today it is completely normal to use our mobile phone or tablet to make a purchase or check the conditions of an offer. However it was not always so; To get to this point, many things have had to happen.

Why We Talk About Mobile Marketing: Origin Of The Term

The emergence of new technologies, but especially the widespread use of mobile phones in our day to day life, caused a break in the way in which customers got in touch with products. That’s where mobile marketing comes from.

With the first digital tools the buying and selling process was no longer merely face-to-face and was supported by other channels, with smart mobile devices this process was transferred mainly to the digital area thanks, among others, to factors such as simultaneity and the immediacy.

The consumers of the 21st century are not the same as those of two decades ago. Mobile devices have made our lives more agile and given us a more active role. Customers are the center of current offers and we have the advantage of having them when and how we want. It’s a promising scenario, right?

Essential Mobile Marketing Tools

Mobile marketing tools have helped to make the objectives and offers that we previously accessed with limitations and restrictions now available almost at any time. The great Network always remains open.

This has undoubtedly meant a change in traditional marketing, which has had to make a huge and rapid effort to adapt to the demands of the new scenario. One of the main requirements is precisely the use of mobile tools through which interaction with consumers is easier.

Mobile marketing tools are a field that has only recently been explored, and will undoubtedly bring more changes and many surprises. For now, let’s see some of the most implemented today:

Mobile advertising

Traditional banners, static and not very functional, have given way to a new type of advertising adapted for mobile phones and similar devices. The idea is to offer consumers a better experience and more attractive content, taking into account above all that 21st century customers do not have the same concepts of loyalty as those who come from traditional models and that they are constantly looking for things that seduce them. Interactive or expandable ads, animated banners and, above all, suggestive videos are some of the resources of what is known as online advertising.

Mobile Content Searches

Phone directories? Yellow Pages? Forget these resources. Now what is popular are SEO strategies for mobile devices, a mobile marketing resource that allows the contents of our offer to have a better position in search engines such as Google or Yahoo. The more views your offers, content or promotions have, the more business opportunities you will have. While you decide whether to do it or not, there are millions of people looking for products on these search engines.

Mobile apps

One of the areas that has grown the most in recent years is that of mobile applications, which are nothing more than tools to facilitate customer navigation on the web. Not a few companies have chosen to design their own application; others are barely considering it. Be that as it may, the truth is that these types of resources allow you to personalize offers, improve customer access to a certain brand and, ultimately, optimally manage the sales process.

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