Six Technology Trends For Digital Business Transformation

Technology Trends For Digital Business Transformation : Large companies are in the midst of a race to transform into digital businesses. Over the next three years, business leaders will define and develop digital strategies to create sustainable advantage, using their skills, size and scale to move from being disruptive reactants to being disruptors.

The Blurring Of The Physical And The Digital

stretching intelligence to new limits: The world is increasingly connected. Wearable devices and intelligent machines and objects provide information in real time, which opens up a range of possibilities for consumers and organizations. Obtaining relevant data in real time means that both machines and employees can react and act faster and smarter in almost any situation.

Extending The Workforce To Crowdsourcing

towards a workforce without borders: Technology offers organizations the possibility of accessing a huge number of professionals spread throughout the world, not limited only to their employees. Channeling this effort to achieve business objectives is not easy, but it offers the opportunity to have a flexible staff, prepared to solve some of the most pressing problems and, in many cases, motivated to do so for free.

Treating Data As A Supply Chain

Putting information in circulation: Data technologies are evolving rapidly, but are not yet systematically adopted, resulting in underuse of data. To exploit their possibilities, companies must begin to treat them as if they were a supply chain, facilitating their circulation throughout the organization and even through the ecosystems in which they operate.

Leverage Hyperscale In Infrastructure

Hardware is back (never really gone): The world of hardware is a hotbed of innovation, as the demand for bigger and faster data centers is increasing. Advances in power consumption, processors, solid-state memory, and infrastructure architecture offer businesses new opportunities to increase scale, increase efficiency, lower costs, and raise system performance to levels never seen before. .

The Business Of Applications

software as a key competence in the digital world: As in the world of consumption, companies are accelerating the use of applications to make their operations more flexible, with a clear trend towards more modular and simpler apps . IT and business leaders need to define what role each party plays in developing applications for their new digital organizations, based on business needs; as well as transform the development process to accelerate the adoption of new technologies and facilitate software reuse.

Resilient Architectures

“Created to survive failures” becomes the non-stop business mantra: In the digital age, companies are expected to be prepared for the constant demand that their processes, services and and systems. This requirement has a domino effect on the entire organization, and especially on the CIO (Chief Digital Officer), since the fact of having an infrastructure available at all times (always on) can make the difference between business as usual and the loss of brand value. Today’s IT leaders need to ensure that they are designing systems to fail-safe, taking advantage of modular technologies and advanced testing processes, rather than just meeting specifications.

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