Industrial IoT Security Technologies : The Internet of Things (IoT) builds on the Internet, through radio frequency identification (RFID) technology,…
Flexibility and diversity are the future of the labor market : We accompany our clients in the construction of diverse…
Next-Gen Automation : AI-powered tools can collect and process candidate data to speed and streamline search, selection, diversity, and other…
Artificial Intelligence, 'Big Data' and IoT shape the new logistics : During the last years, the logistics industry has experienced…
Diversity And Flexibility: The answer to this question can be found in the study 'Future of work series: The reinvention…
Recruitment Strategy : Most recruiters and managers agree that a good diversity and inclusion strategy in the company is essential…
Safe Internet browsing : The main objective of this campaign, whose initiative comes from the INSAFE/INHOPE network , is to…
Workforce Diversity: Companies continue to suffer from gender, ethnic, and age gaps, among others. But since companies with more inclusive…
Collaboration Technology : Effective collaboration in the hybrid workspace requires all employees to be connected, engaged, and able to participate…
Promote Diversity In Your Company : We are in a globalized world in which there is a more and more…