Artificial Intelligence For SMEs: The Keys To Success

Artificial Intelligence applied to SMEs provides multiple benefits both for internal departments and for the relationship with customers or suppliers. Discover what it is for, how to apply it in SMEs and some recommendations.

Artificial Intelligence has long sounded like a science fiction movie, cutting-edge technology only within the reach of powerful companies capable of knowing more thanks to massive data analysis. However, nothing is further from reality, the concept of AI has become popular; it could even be said that it has become something mundane that anyone can dispose of. And it is that Artificial Intelligence is present in many more daily facets than anyone can imagine.

For this reason, it is not unreasonable to say that we are at a crucial moment for small and medium-sized companies to begin to implement it in their technological structures and take full advantage of it to achieve an advantage over their competitors.

However, at present there is still a long way to go for most SMEs, which should already be immersed in a digitization plan that provides them with technological advances capable of providing agile solutions in day-to-day operations.

What’s more, only 7% of them have adopted artificial intelligence solutions, when it is neither that complicated nor that expensive if you take into account what it can contribute to business growth.

What Is Artificial Intelligence For In SMEs?

In this sense, Artificial Intelligence applied to SMEs provides multiple benefits both for internal departments and for the relationship with customers or even with suppliers.

And it is that thanks to AI, analysis of the behavior of said clients or current trends can be carried out, in a way that will allow future actions to be predicted and facilitate strategic decision-making, which will be made based on the data obtained.

On the other hand, the implementation of AI solutions makes it possible to carry out some automated processes without difficulty , such as responding to customers or dealing with incidents effectively, agilely and without space or time barriers (for example, with chatbots). ).

Likewise, AI favors the digitization of business processes that facilitate certain current scenarios such as teleworking .

All this, together with the analysis of large volumes of data ( Big Data ), will make it possible to better optimize and segment marketing campaigns, which will have greater chances of success and, therefore, the possible growth of sales.

How To Apply Artificial Intelligence In SMEs?

Once the advantages that the implementation of AI solutions can bring have been analyzed, it is time to explain how to carry out the relevant application:

Implementation of artificial intelligence software

This will allow us to analyze data, order it, learn about consumer or potential customer behavior and anticipate through predictions. In the case of a website or ecommerce , it will allow us to know some details such as why users stop at a certain section or why they do not complete the cart and the purchase process. With this we will apply certain changes and improvements and adapt our campaigns to those tastes, in order to guarantee the success of our actions.


Chatbot integration is becoming more common as a tool to address customer support for SMEs. In this way, they respond quickly and effectively as if it were a human thanks to the natural language they use. In addition, this will allow the correct referral to the corresponding departments and an agile knowledge of the most frequent incidents or doubts from customers.

Marketing Automation

Thanks to artificial intelligence, marketing campaigns can be developed based on different scenarios that will be activated based on customer behavior. Example: sending email with a discount when a customer has not purchased in an e-commerce for more than three months; abandoned cart reminder when more than three hours pass…

Process automation and department support : artificial intelligence helps to carry out certain tasks in an automated way and with the possibility of programming. This helps save time and resources. In addition, thanks to the analysis and ordering of customer profiles, dealing with them is easier and more successful.

Tech Buzz Spot

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